Calendar: 1869-1870 Page 191
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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 191 Third Winter Session Diss Pri of Dissections nciples and Practice of Medicine Principles and Practice of Surgery Morbid Anatomy Third Summer Session I1 Comparative Anatomy Practical Chemistry Second Course or Course of Analytical Chemistry Medical and Surgical Practice of ithellospital and Medical and Surgical Clinical Lectures Fourth Year Medical and Surgical Hospital Practice The Student who follows this Course of study in the order here laid down will qualify himself for examination at the College of Surgeons at the Society of Apothecaries at the University of London or at the College of Physicians in London II If the Student be desirous of accomplishing in three years the amount of attendance required by the College of Physicians and the College of Surgeons and by the Society of Apothe- caries he may do so by following the subjoined course of study First Winter Session Descriptive Anatomy and Diseections General Anatomy and Physiology Chemistry First Summer SSL Medica Session practical Chemistry Descriptive Anatomy and Dissections Second Winter General Anatomy and Session Physiology Medicine Surgery Midwifery SecondSummer Forensic Medicine Session Morbid Anatomy Practical Pharmacy Morbid Anatomy Dissections Third Winter KgfiZfc Session jjiorbid Anatomy Vaccination Morbid Anatomy Third Summer ractica1 Midwifery Seision vaccination ו Medical and Surgical Practice of theHospital and Clinical Lectures Practice of the Hospital and Clinical Lectures Clinical Medical Practice
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