Calendar: 1869-1870 Page 182
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182 medical department kinds of Bandages and Surgical Apparatus with his own hands under the direction of the Assistant Surgeon Fee for the Course Is 21 Demonstrations on the Use of the Microscope in Clinical Investigation This Course which includes the Microscopical and Chemical examination of the various fluid Secretions and certain Solid Organs is given by Professor Beale From eight to ten microscopical specimens will be shown during each demonstration Practitioners and students in at least their third year are alone permitted to attend The Course is free to present and past Students of King's College Gentlemen not connected with the School pay fee of 21 2s III MUSEUMS Curator- Charles Kelly The following rules apply to the office of Curator To be in attendance in the Museum daily from 10 till and to be responsible for the securing and safe keeping for preservation in the Museum of all specimens obtained from the Hospital or elsewhere the result of operations accidents disease or abnormal developments To disect and prepare for the Museum all specimens that the Museum Committee or any one of the Physicians or Surgeons shall direct To form as far as time will permit collection of Natural Structures
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