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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1868-1869-60

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60 £ ά Brought o-ver -233 Otter The Ven Archd Part Thomas Esq Pattison Esq 110 Perks Rev Τ Philps Mrs 110 Phillips Esq Pitts Esq Plumptre Esq Porcheron Esq 10 Preston Esq Price Rev Elis Quick Esq Reeves Rev Η Richards Esq Ritchie Esq Robinson Mrs 10 Rogers Mrs 110 Ru Esq Sadler Mrs Schafer Esq Scovell Captain 110 Seth Esq Shove Esq Smith Esq 110 Smyth llev Β Sopwith Esq Sparkes Esq Startin Mrs Steel Esq Stephens Esq Stokes Esq Strapp Mrs 110 Stripp Esq 110 Such Mrs Surplus Dinner Fund 10 Sweet Esq Surridge Esq Carried over £276 16 £ Brought over 276 16 Syme Mrs 110 Szerelmey Colonel Taylor Dr Thomas Esq Thorne Esq Toogood Esq Treilhard Mrs Turner Esq Upton Mrs 110 Urquliart Esq 110 Viall Mrs 110 Ward Η Esq Ward Esq Walker Mrs 110 Walker Mrs Waller Esq Warren Esq 110 Watson Sir Thomas Bart 10 Watson Esq 110 Weeks Esq Weidemann Mrs 110 Wells Esq 110 Willis Esq Winterbotham Esq Whisson Esq White Esq White Esq Whitehead Mrs 110 Wiggin Esq 110 Willcocks Esq Williams Esq- Williams Esq Wilson Esq Wood Esq 10 Wrench Esq Total £323 Sums alkeady Paid in 1868 £ Adams Esq 110 Adams Esq 10 Aldridge Esq Allen Esq Allen Esq 110 Baglehole Esq 110 Barker Esq Barlow Esq Barnes Esq Batson Esq 110 Beaumont Esq £ Blackett Rev Boylan Esq Brellit Esq Broadbent Esq 110 Browne Esq 110 Browning Esq 10 Bull Esq Burstall Esq Campbell Esq Cappell Rev Champion Esq 10
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