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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1868-1869-59

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59 £ Brought over 66 Cowland Esq Cripps Esq Curling Mrs Curry Esq Dancey Mrs 16 Da Silva Esq Davies Esq Davies Esq Davis Esq Davis Esq Dickson Mrs Donaldson Mrs Dobson Esq Drae er Esq Drawings 12 Dudgeon Esq Earle Esq Elkington Esq 10 Ellis Esq Evans Esq Farnan Esq י Farren Esq Fickus Esq Finch Mrs Fitch Esq 10 Forington Esq Fowle Esq Fox Esq Fox Rev Darling 110 Fraser Esq Fyffe Esq Gardner Mrs Garstin Esq Gill Rev Glover Esq Godden Esq Gray Esq 10 Gray Esq Greatheed Rev Greenstreet Esq Gregory Esq Greville Esq Griffiths Esq Gristock Esq Hall Esq Hamilton Esq Hammond Esq Hammond Esq Harrison Esq 110 Hartley Esq Hatton Esq Hawkins Esq Hayes Esq Headley Esq Heath Esq 110 Heilgers Esq Helmore Esq Henderson Esq Carried over £129 14 £ Brought over 129 14 Hennessy Esq Hertslet Esq Hertslet Esq Hetley Esq Hewett Esq Hill Esq Hillard Esq Hindley Mrs Homersham Esq Horsborough Miss Houghton Mrs Hughes Esq Hughes Mrs 10 Hulbert Esq Hunt Esq Hunt Esq lbbotson Mrs 10 Jackson Esq 110 Jellicoe Esq Jerram Rev Jobson Esq Johnston Esq Jones Esq Jude Esq Kaye Esq Kedge Esq Kennedy Esq Kidger Esq Knight Esq Lnmpson Sir 10 Lang Esq 110 Leaf Esq Lloyd Esq Lush Esq Macaulay Esq Macdonald Esq Mackenzie Rev Β Macmillan Esq 10 Maltby Esq Martyn Mrs 110 Maskell Mrs McBain Mrs McDonnell Esq McLeod Esq 10 McLeod Esq Members ofthe 1867 Evening Class Diuner Committee 14 Middleton Esq Miller Esq Morrish Esq Morton Η Esq Munro Esq 110 Nicholson Mrs 10 Norman Esq O'Brien Esq Offertory Collections in the College Chapel 34 Osborne Esq Carried over £233
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