Calendar: 1868-1869 Page 46
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46 annual report body of the sum of Ā£2 000 for the purpose of founding two appointments of Medical and Surgical Registrar to be at- tached to the College and Hospital Dr Trimen having resigned the office of Curator of the Anatomical Museum the Council thanked him for his past valuable services and appointed Dr Charles Kelly late Medical Registrar to the combined offices of Curator of the Anatomical Museum and Pathological Registrar King's College Hospital must always find itself named and with hearty gratitude in any Report from the Council for without it and without the eminent services rendered by its Treasurer Vice-Chairman and Committee the Medical School of the College could not long exist During the past year all concerned with this Institution have if possible more than ever exerted themselves to promote and increase its efficiency The Evening Class Department calls for no particular remark It is pursuing its course of usefulness to the great benefit of large and influential body of admirably conducted men at the cost of much self-sacrifice and of many precious evening hours which might legitimately have been given up at the close of long day of labour to necessary rest and refreshment It is due to the exemplary members of the Evening Class Educational staff to add that their self-sacrifices are at least equal to those exemplified by the Students The fruit of all these self-denying labours is already showing itself in many different ways in other Departments of the College especially the Theological in the older Universities as well as in the University of London and in the Civil Service of India To name one instance Mr George Good- win Dey after distinguishing himself highly in an Examina- tion for Scholarship at Magdalen College Oxford passed for the India Civil Service having received the highest marks in Classics in the whole number of Candidates except one With respect to King's College School the Council have received most satisfactory reports of the discipline and progress
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