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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1868-1869-395

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UNIVERSITY DISTINCTIONS 390 GCambritige Wranglers 1867 Clifford William Kingdom Lambert Carlton John Humphreys Henry Galliers Thomas Watherston Alexander Hall Bremner Henry Hodgson Hall George Thomas Grove William Henry 1868 Christie William Henry Mahoney First Class in Classics 1868 Fynes-Clinton Eustace Second Class in Classics 1867 Hall George Thomas Second Class in Law 868 Gray Ernest Angel King Thomas Caldwell Robert Townley Swete Henry Barclay Fellow of Jesus Fellow of Corpus Christi Fellow of Caius tnt'bmttg of Hon&on honours at degree of doctor of laws 1866 Rollit Albert Kaye Gold Medal honours at preliminary scientific examination In Chemistry and Natural Philosophy 1866 McGill Arthur Ferguson Curnow John 1868 Warner Francis In Biology 1866 Milles George Ridley 1868 Rose William
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