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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1868-1869-379

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

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the school 379 Searle Alfred Henry Searle Robert Stanley Seaton Edward Mackenzie Sebag Arthur Montefiore Sharpe Edgar Vercoe Slater Charles Begbie Sloper Henry Lindsay Smith Alfred John Smith Charles David Smith Frank John Smith William Challenor Smith Frederick William Standen Edward Brodie Steel David Charles Stephens John Young Stern Edward Stevens George Stevenson Frederick Smith Stokes Herbert Leslie Stokes Frederick Vincent Strapp William James Strip William James Such William Henry Surridge William Alfred Sutton Percy Frederick Swaine Frederick Charles Sweet Herbert George Sweeting Alfred Charles Syme Joseph Cowen Thomas William Henry Thompson Joseph Thompson Arthur Edmund Tirard Nestor Isidore Chas Toovey Charles Frederick Toovey William Pullen Torrens Henry Calverly TredweU Charles Alexander Treilhard Ernest Sidney Trevithick Francis Richard Tucker Arthur Turner Arthur Turner Edwin Henry Turner Charles Tyrrell Frederick Underwood Arthur Swayne Upjohn William Henry Urquhart John Edward Viall Thomas Vivanti Anselmo Vivanti Italo Wade Ethelbert Walker John James Walker Jas Edw Anderson Walker George John Walker James Liddell Wallace John Watts Waller Edward Ward William Fowlie Wardrop John Glen Warren Edward Harold Watson William Frank Waugh Henry Dunn Webb Francis Gilbert Webb Charles Russell Weidemann Francis James Wells John Wells Alfred James White Charles Neville Whisson Alfred Wiggin Henry Arthur Wildey George Gordon Willans William Blundell Willcocks Wm Knapman Williams Trevor Wm Wynn
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