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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1868-1869-376

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

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376 the school Dismore George Alfred Draeger Arthur Drysdale Duncan Dudgeon John Dudgeon Alexander Dunphie Frank Henry Dyer Samuel George Earle Edward Moreland Earle Walter George Eastall Henry Francis Edmunds John Sharpe Edwards Frederick George Elam John Peacock Elkington Harold Elwell Charles Elwell Paul Bedford Farman Edward Farren Percy Fergusson Samuel Mure Ferrier John Christian Finch Frederick Finch Thomas Fitch George Fooks Arthur Henry Forbes William de Gerise Forbes Stanhope Alexander Forington Charles Forington William George Fowle George Douglas Fox Joseph Fox Charles Fraser Henry Pole Fry Frederick Morris Furze Frederick Furze Herbert Fyffe Ebenezer Thomas Gallop Charles Alexander Garcia Samuel Gardner Thomas Dent Germany James William Gibson Percy Gill Ebenezer Ernest Glover George Godden Laugh am Geo Goldie Frank RobertSpencer Goodban Albert George Goodwin Frederick Gover William Henry Gow James Gray William Du Gard Gray Charles Linsell Greenstreet Reginald Gregory Herbert Gregory Walter Greville Eden Erskine Greville Henry Drummond Griffiths Vine Chevelier Grimani Edmund Hornby Grosjean John William Haddon Arthur Wyndham Hall Arthur Goodwin Hall Harford Frederick Hallett Forbes Ernest Hamilton Douglas Chas Hammond Walter Harris Samuel Charles Harrison Frederick Hartley Hugh Rogers Hartley Ernest Basset Hartley Arthur Charles Hartridge Gustavus Harvey John Harvey Henry Allen Hasluck Herbert Hatton Fredk David Wm Hawkins Henry
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