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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1868-1869-374

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374 THE SCHOOL Section XXIII Names of Pupils of King's College School during the last Academieal Tear Abbiss William Connop Ackland Bryaus Thomas Adams Charles Edgar Addis George Adolphus Theodore Aldridge Walter William Alexander John Stuart Alexander Stuart Robb Allan Albert Wriothesley Allen William Bird Allen Charles James Allen Philip Spelman Allen George John Allen James Allen Andrewes James Searle Annoot Edward Leopold Argenti Pandeli Armstrong Edmund Turner Atkins George James Attwood Guy Attwood Henry Ernest Baglehole Ernest Clark Baldwin Arthur Ernest Barker George Em est Barnaby Sydney Walker Barnes Henry James Bassano Clement Alex Bassano Walter Henry Bateson Albert Edward Batterbury George Henry Battye Richard Hey Battye John Howard Baumann James Bayly Francis Harding Beal Francis Blake Η Beal Wilmer Harris Beames John Beattie Charles Alfred Beck William Michael Benson Samuel Herbert Bigwood Fredk William Birch Henry Owen Bird John Percival Birt Russell Butler Blackett Selwyn Blake Percy Albert Blandford Thomas Henry Boddam Hungerford Tudor Bomford Gerald Bomford Trevor Bowden Henry Pateshall Bowen Samuel Braddick Frederick Ernest Bramah Charles Edward Brander Alex Mainwaring Breffit George William Brettell William Heywood Brigham Henry George Brodribb Arthur Aikin Brodribb Charles Aikin
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