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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1868-1869-356

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356 THE SCHOOL XIII -BOTANY For the best Herbarium collected betvjeen the first day of June 1868 and the first day of June 1869 Rules The Collection is to consist of Indigenous Flowering Plants and Ferns It is to be arranged according to some work on British Botany and the name of the work adopted is to be stated The name of each Plant its habitat and the date of collection is to be stated on the paper on which it is preserved Each Collection must be accompanied by declaration signed by the Collector to the following effect The Plants in the Collection which have forwarded for competition for the Botanical Prize were col- lected by myself between June 1868 and June 1869 and were named and arranged without any assistance but that derived from boohs The Collections are to be sent in to the Head Master by Thursday June 1869 -See note at the end of Clause XIV on the next page xiv -entomology For the best collection of mounted Insects procured between the first day of June 1868 and the first day of June 1869 Rules The Collection to consist of British Insects named and arranged in accordance with some recognised syste tic work the name of which is to be stated In addition to the name of each specimen the date of its capture and brief notice of the habits of the race
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