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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1868-1869-339

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Page content

the school 339 Upper Second Class -Rev Rett Sacred History Catechism English History Geography Parsing Poetry Maps and Composition Latin-Accidence and Syntax Reader Ν epos Exercises Third Class -Rev George Rust Sacred History Catechism English History Geography Parsing Poetry Maps Themes Latin-Accidence Syntax and Prosody Csesar Ovid Exercises Section IV science Lecturer-Richard Abbay Esq Courses of Lectures are delivered each term on some branch of Natural Science The Lectures are divided into two classes elementary and more advanced The elementary Lectures are attended by the pupils of the Lower School and the Junior Classes of the and Β Divisions and care is taken that each pupil is able to give fair account of them The more advanced Lectures are intended for those who have shown certain degree of proficiency in the subject taught in the elementary Lectures and have special re- ference to the subjects required in the examination for Matri- culation in the University of London and for the Science Scholarships at Oxford and Cambridge Class of Practical Chemistry is also formed to enable pupils to become acquainted with the practical details of the Science
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