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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1868-1869-321

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

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EVENING classes 321 public Heading Whichelow James Shearer Allen Andrew Waterman Orlando Gadsdun John Thomas Abram Edward Bromley Nathaniel Cook William Berry W'illiam Kerslake Elkin William Henry Medhurst John Thomas Jones Henry Colville Westfield Thomas Clark Blinkhorn George Mace Thomas James Tomkinson Frederick ani jrpeafcing Prizes JEq £ ן Certificates of Merit ijjJnjcs 10 tfje jpibe iotuiicnts fcoljo ijafae gainefc ibe Iji'giiist aggregate number of Jitailis in all be Scubfects rcspectifclji brought up for examination tins year Watkins Oscar Dan Welch Thomas Blinkhorn Edward Fairbairn William David Berry William Kerslake Mv Lat French Germ Hist Div Heb French Greek Log Div 1g French Greek Geo Div Lat French Greek Math Div Lat Sot Phys Heading $ri giben by E3 unningbam Esq to tfiat one of tj&e associates of tbe current pear fiofjo at t&e examinations in tbe jptftetn lasses tabic tbe rules rrtfutre bim to attenb bas gained tbe bigbest number of marks Welch Thomas χ
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