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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1867-1868-548

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50×™ LIST OF WORKS ETC Introductory Leeture at King's College Is l'art Music in Score and Voice Parts Sea Songs published by Command of the Lords Commissioners 01 the Admiralty 2s Od BY THE EEV MAJOR Iliad of Homer to III With Anthon's Notes 6s Eneid of Virgil with Anthon's Notes 7s Od Latin Exercises for Junior Classes 6d Kxccrpta ex Herodoto with English Notes 41 Od Excerpta ex Xenophontis Cyropaedia with Vocabulary aud Notes 'As Od Euripides Five Plays with English Notes each Gospel of St Luke With Notes 12 Guide to the Greek Tragedians &s Initia Grteca is Initia Homerica 6c Latin Grammar 2s Od Latin Reader 3s Od Milton With Notes 7s Od Extracts from Virgil and Ovid Passages for Translation into Latin Prose Examination Papers BY THE REV EDWARDS Catiline of Sallust With Anthon's Notes 2s 6d Jugurtha of Sallust With Anthon's Notes 'Is Od Select Epistles of Cicero and Pliny With Notes Latin Exercises for Middle Forms in Schools is Progressive Exercises in Latin Lyrics 3s Key '2s Od Progressive Exercises in Latin Legiacs Zs First Greek Reader With English Notes 4s Figures of Euclid With Questions and Exercises 2s Practical Introduction to English Composition 2s Questiones Virgilianae 3s Initia Latina 3s Od Oral Exercises in Latin Composition 617 BY CARR History of Greece 6d Manual of Classical Mythology 6s Oil The Classical Pronunciation of Proper Names 5s Homonyma Linguae Latinae 3s Manual of Roman Antiquities Od Latin Selections from Nepos Phsedrus and Ovid 3s Od
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