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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1867-1868-540

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

Page content

512 INDEX page German Evening Class- Lectures 256 Fees 292 Hours of Attendance 294 German Literature and History- Instruction 257 Fees 292 Hours of Attendance 294 Governors Names of 18 Greek Morning Class- Lectures 87 Fees 98 Hours of Attendance 98 Greek Evening Class- Lectures 255 Fees 292 Hours of Attendance 294 Gujarati- Lectures 108 Fees 110 Hours of Attendance Ill Head Master's Prize 344 Hebrew- Fees 77 262 Hours of Attendance 79 294 Hindu Law- Lectures 108 Fees 110 Hours of Attendance Ill Hindustani- Lectures 108 Fees 110 Hours of Attendance Ill History Morning Class- Lectures 90 Fees 98 Hours of Attendance 98 History Evening Class- Lectures 263 Fees 292 Hours of Attendance 294 Honorary Fellows 370 Honours gained by former Pupils- University of Oxford 376 University of Cambridge 376 page Honours gained by former Pupils conl University of London 377 India Civil Service 379 Indian Engineers 380 Hoods Theological Department 80 House Surgeons 218 Names of 224 Hospital King's College- StafT 167 Officers and Committee 177 Fees for Students 189 Hours of Attendance 193 Clinical Instruction 193 Clinical Clerks &c 212 Indian Law Courts- Lectures 108 Fees 110 Hours of Attendance Ill Inglis Scholarships- Endowment 101 Rules 101 Subjects Examination 102 Names of Scholars 116 Italian Morning Classes- Fees 98 Hours of Attendance 98 Italian Evening Clast- Lectures 260 Fees 292 Hours of Attendance 294 Laboratory Chemical 183 Land Surveying and Levelling- Instruction given 132 Fees 153 Hours of Attendance 154 Latin Morning Class Lectures 87 Fees 9S Hours of Attendance 98 Latin Evening Class- Lectures 255 Fees 292 Hours of Attendance 294
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