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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1867-1868-534

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THE SCHOOL 535 10 Give short account of the Marian persecution Explain how the papal supremacy in England was abolished by Act of Parliament at the beginning of the reign of Elizabeth 12 Give brief account of the murder of Lord Darnley 13 For what alleged purpose was the conference at YorK held 14 State what you know about the massacre of St Bar- tholomew 15 Relate the objects of Babington's conspiracy 16 Write brief character of Queen Elizabeth IV EncjIteJ Grammar anU language Sections II Carefully explain and illustrate these extracts In order to get the full sense of word we should first present to our minds the visual image that forms its primary meaning There are cases in which more knowledge of more value may he conveyed by the history of word than by the history of campaign Popular language is full of words used in an imaginative sense What's in name That which we call rose By any other name would smell as sweet Words are the wise man's counters the fool's money Language is fossil poetry How many words men have dragged downward with themselves and made partakers of their own fall It must be esteemed piece of ethical prudery and an ignorance of the laws which languages obey when the early Quakers refused to employ the names commonly given to the days of the week and substituted for these "first day 'second day and so on Language is often called an instrument of thought but it is also the nutriment of thought 10 The French Revolution has made as was to be expected characteristic contributions to the French language
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