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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1867-1868-531

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532 THE SCHOOL II EiigltsSl Literature Sections and II Give list of Shakespeare's History Plays Are any of them founded on something older How far are they really historical Around whom does the interest centre in Ht nry the Eighth What character is given the king What characters have been given of him by other writers Give the context and the explanation of the following extracts Only they That come to hear merry bawdy piay noise of targets or to see fellow In long motley coat guarded with yellow Will be deceiv'd This butcher's cur is venom-mouth'd and Have not the power to muzzle him To the king I'll say '1 and make my vouch as strong As shore of rock My learn'd lord cardinal Deliver all with charity As far as can see all the good our English Have got by the late voyage is but merely fit or two o' the face but they are shrewd ones For when they hold 'em you would swear directly Their very noses had been counsellors To Pepin or Clotharius they keep state so For my little cure Let me alone Let the music knock it Which to say sooth are blessings and which gifts Saving your mincing the capacity Of your soft cheveril conscience would receive If you might please to stretch it You sign your place and calling in full seeming
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