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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1867-1868-528

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THE SCHOOL 529 State the probable reasons why Hannibal did not advance to Rome Give an account of the defeat and death of the two Scipios Give brief account of the third Punic war Give very brief sketch of the social and intellectual con- dition of the Roman people at this period of their history VII -Cranilatt into Latin CrlfgtatS And thou art dead as young and fair A3 aught of mortal birth And form so soft and charms so rare Too soon return'd to Earth Though Earth received them in her bed And o'er the spot the crowd may tread In carelessness or mirth There is an eye which could not brook moment on that grave to look The better days of life were ours The worst can be but mine The sun that cheers the storm that lours Shall never more be thine The silence of that dreamless sleep envy now too much to weep Nor need to repine That all those charms have pass'd away might have watch'd through long decay VIII -CranSlate into Latin tyamctn-S The wounded bark thus smarting with her pain Scuds from pursuing waves along the main While dash'd apart by her dividing prow Like burning adamant the waters glow Her joints forget their firm elastic tone Her long keel trembles and her timbers groan
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