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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1867-1868-517

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518 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT nitrate is mixed with sodic carbonate and give the quantities of each compound required for the exact decomposition of 164 decigrammes of calcic nitrate and state the quantities of the products formed Give two methods of preparing oxygen gas What are the tests by which you distinguish it How would you ascertain its purity What are the constituents of atmospheric air Give the proportions of each and state the mode of determining those proportions How is hydrogen usually obtained Give method for determining the proportion in which it occurs in water By what characters is hydrogen distinguished from all other gases What are the usual impurities in spring water What are the chief salts contained in sea water Enumerate the chief varieties of mineral waters and their chemical characteristics IV -CijtmtStrj What are the principal natural sources of carbonic anhydride State how it may be obtained in pure condition By what tests would you ascertain its purity Prove its com- pound nature and state how the proportion of its constituents may be accurately determined Describe the mode of obtaining nitric acid Enumerate the different oxides of nitrogen and state how the two lower oxides may be distinguished Give the tests for nitrate in solution What is the composition of ammonia by weight and by volume State the method of obtaining the gas How may salt of ammonia be distinguished Give the mode of ascertaining the quantity of ammonia in one of its compounds Give proofs of the composition of hydrochloric acid Explain its action on zinc on cuprie oxide on ferric oxide and on antimonious sulphide What are the tests for chloride in solution Describe the preparation of iodine from kelp How is
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