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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1867-1868-515

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516 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Give the general formula of monatomic alcohol show its relation to the olefiues the ethers aldehyde and monobasic fatty acids Describe the preparation of simple ether and show its relations to the mixed and compound ethers Describe the method of obtaining glycerin Indicate its relations to stearin and palmitin and state how the fats may be obtained synthetically Give the reaction in symbols What is the composition of quinia State how it may be obtained With what bases is it associated how distinguished and how separated from them What is urea How may it be obtained artificially By what means may its amount in urine be determined IV -J30tan1 Describe spiral annular scalariform and laticiferous vessels Give in tabular form the distinctive characters between Dicotyledonous Monocotyledonous and Acotyledonous stems Define the following spine-prickle-hair-gland-stomate -tuber-corm -bulb-rhizome-tubercule and phyllode Distinguish between determinate and indeterminate inflor- escence and define spadix panicle capitulum and cyme Give general sketch of the structure of the ovule Give the essential characters of the following natural orders Papaveraceae-Compositae-LabiataE-Euphorbiaceae-Iridaces and Liliaceae -iHatma iHrtitca State the composition of Pulvis Antimonialis and explain ita action uses and doses Give pharmaceutic and therapeutic account of Senega Compare the physiological and therapeutic actions of the mineral and vegetable acids of the pharmacopoeia
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