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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1867-1868-514

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 515 What are the movements of the hip-joint What muscles contribute to each of them and how are these movements influenced by the several ligaments Describe the structure and functions of the spinal cord and spinal nerves What is the structure and what are the uses of the tongue What are the probable functions of each of its nerves II -$H gSt0I0g1 Give general account of the minute structure of central and peripheral nerve organs and illustrate your answer with sketches Give an account of the chemical changes occurring in respiration and describe briefly the phenomena of Asphyxia How and where is Urea found and under what circum- stances does it vary in quantity What amount of Urea in proportion to the body's weight is formed by child an adult and an old person in health Describe with the aid of sketches the minute structure of the ovary including the formation of ova the mode of their escape and the changes which occur in the ovisac Give explanatory drawings of the following microscopical specimens four illustrating the anatomy of muscle four illus- trating the structure of the liver and four that of the kidney III -Cijcmfetrj Describe the mode of determining nitrogen in an organic compound by the method of Dumas 6'452 grammes of salt of silver left on ignition 4'695 grammes of metallic silver required the atomic weight of the salt Mention the principal varieties of sugar give formula for each and state their distinguishing characters Describe the preparation of malt and the operation of brewing giving an outline of the chemical changes κ κ
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