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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1867-1868-513

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514 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT IV -Jfarmiic iHeKiriiu What is the usual weight of the lungs of an infant at full term By what causes may that weight be increased or lessened What causes determine the sinking or floating of the lungs when placed entire in cold water Distinguish the blood solution from other liquids of the same colour Enumerate the white poisons or colourless crystals which are sublimed by the heat of tbe spirit-lamp Describe their deposits as received on cool surface of glass Describe the symptoms and post-mortem appearances proper to poisoning by oxalic acid Name the antidote and prescribe the treatment of case of poisoning by it Also describe the process you would adopt for detecting the poison in the contents of the stomach Strychnia as white powder is given you for analysis By what tests would you know it to be an alkaloid and by what special tests would you know it to be strychnia SECOND YEAR'S SCHOLARSHIP ×™ -anatomy Give examples from the skull of bones which are developed in membrane and of those which are developed in cartilage What apparent purposes do the epiphyses of bone serve What circumstances determine the more speedy union of one epiphysis with the shaft of the bone than another What are the several uses of the two mechanical forms of bone viz the compact and the cancellated tissue Are the cancelli arranged upon any and if so upon what principle Illustrate your replies to these questions by tbe structure of the femur Describe the spinal joints of rib and mention the modi- fications observable in some of them Describe the surgical anatomy of the subclavian artery in the third part of its course
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