Calendar: 1867-1868 Page 507
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508 WARNEFORD SCHOLARSHIPS 3φ muf Ijinetn SfBir fprcdjen ntefyr bauon 3" &eff rer tunbe STOorgen ober SWerorcig STOorgen Sta mcrgcn ntdjt bag Jtantyffptel £ ir 6e or llnb rcenn £u SijumeliuS SJBenn id ftele metnft Siein 3φ ntuf idj rcerbe ftegen SKeronng Sljor unb roenn ftegtefi glaufcfi bcnn bu iciirbcfl bann 9ΐοφ roaljlen fonncn SEBafjnfi eutfd ianb rcetbe Sunt uf rer fciner 3S5lfer ben eraufyien er efyrloS ft fa ftnecfct nttt ne ten fcfytug en Setter bem tm Etrcu3 iegegfranse 9lom φοδεί jurcarf ϋϊύη eut mufjt rcafjlen 3egt ober nie ntefyt pater ift'S ju fpat II Grammatical Questions on the preceding passage State the gender of the nouns Singe Jiern jammer SSeljagen eroalt JJiadjt and give the the rules by which the gender of substantives is determined in German Decline in the singular and plural with their re- spective definite articles the nouns 5ufy er SJBelt tunbe ampffpiel Decline in the singular and plural the personal pro nouns tdj bu er and the possessive pronouns mein beine fcin State the infinitive and past participle of-bergtjjt liejj Sermodjtc tijuft mufjt and fdjlug Give the past participle of er06ern and roieberfetyrt and state the rules with reference to the conjugation of the separable and inseparable compound verbs Enumerate all the prepositions in the above passage una mention which case they govern Do any of these
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