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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1867-1868-505

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506 WARNEFORD SCHOLARSHIPS Answer any of the following questions II se forme souvent de grands hommes sixth line of the above extract Why is de used here instead of des What remark is suggested in reference to the construction of the reflective voice in French by the same quotation-" II se forme souvent &c Et on I'est souvent" three lines further down How do you explain this idiomatic construction of the pronoun What is in que Ton montre last line but one Cosar pardonna tout le monde The verb pardonner requires the preposition whilst to forgive is followed by the accusative case Can you name few other verbs which thus take preposition in French which is not required in English Is the first verb in the extract-menace-in the indicative or in the subjunctive mood Explain your answer Give with suitable examples any three rules in reference to the construction of the past participle in French Explain the forms Cru crft-mu mis-mors mords- pris prix prie-puis puits-ris rit riz-tus tue-va vis vu vive Translate Vaille que vaille Coute que coute Cela va sans dire Je ne m'en dofends pas Le sort en es jeto Cela n'est pas la mer boire Qui se ressemble s'assemble Qui s'excuse s'accuse Passe-moi le βέηέ je te passerai la rhubarbe Vous comptez sans votre hote Translate into French This was the execution of Sir Thomas More-an act which was sounded out into the far corners of the earth and was the world's wonder as well for the circumstances under which it was perpetrated as for the preternatural composure with which it was borne Something of his calmness may have been due to his natural temperament something to an unaffected weariness of
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