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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1867-1868-50

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50 ANNUAL REPORT The Council regret to have to announce several vacancies in their own hody occasioned by the lamented deaths of Lord Feversbam one of their Life Governors Mr William Cotton their Treasurer and the Lord Bishop of Rochester Ill- health has also compelled Dr Budd to leave London perma- nently and to retire from the Council Whilst the Council have lost in all these members most efficient and valuable colleagues they thought it incumbent on them to pass special resolution in reference to Mr Cotton who was the last but one of the original Council appointed by the Royal Charter in 1828 and to whose constant attendance and de- voted exertions the College was so largely indebted This resolution was as follows That the Council of King's College London have heard with unfeigned regret of the death of Mr Cotton one of the most valuable members of their own body Mr Cotton's character under all its aspects is one which deserves to be had in remembrance The Christian excellence of his private life was known to comparatively few but his great financial and administrative talents his unflinching in- tegrity his munificence towards all works of piety charity and Christian education especially such as were conducive to the welfare and extension of the Church of England-all these are generally acknowledged even by those to whom he was personally unknown and they shone forth conspicuously in the services which he rendered to this College He was one of its original founders and benefactors His name appears as member of the first Council nominated by the Crown in the Royal Charier He was elected the second Treasurer in succession to Mr Alderman Thompson He was constant attendant at the meetings of the Council and as member of their Committees of Education and of Finance gave most valuable assistance and advice in all the details of the College He promoted the foundation of new Departments and took large share in the building and working of King's College Hospital And now that full of age and honours he has been
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