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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1867-1868-49

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ANNUAL REPORT 49 Department none has been more popular than the Chaplain's weekly lectures on The Poetical Books of the Old Testament New labourers among whom the Council are glad to name Mr George Macdonald and Mr Plumptre have joined the staff of Lecturers and both new and old alike speak with ever-growing satisfaction of tbe diligence and energy of the large body of students with whom they are brought in contact In the last Cambridge Mathematical Tripos Carlton John Lambert and William Henry Grove both of whom received their mathematical training in these classes were respectively third and fifteenth Wrangler Mr Lambert also obtained Mathematical Scholarship at the University of London At the latter University Thomas Lambert Mears obtained Honours at the degree of Bachelor of Laws Three of the Students in this Department viz Edward Augustus Bradbury James Francis Bradbury and James Acworth Davies were successful at the Indian Civil Ser- vice Examination in 1866 The Council can also point to Clergymen and Barristers educated in these Classes who are already honourably distinguished in their respective callings The Council have great satisfaction in mentioning that the Evening Class Students spontaneously collected subscriptions amongst themselves for the relief of the distress in the East of London and that upwards of Ā£70 was transmitted by them in their corporate name to tbe Mansion House Committee Before closing tbe account of the educational state of the College in all its parts tbe Council must not omit to men- tion one valuable addition to its religious influence-tbe cele- bration of Collegiate Confirmation in the Chapel This thought originated with Mr Maclear in reference to the School and the Principal warmly supported it extending it to the other Departments as well The Bishop of London gave bis full sanction to its adoption at once and for future years regretting only his inability to inaugurate this great improvement in person Bishop Anderson most kindly acted in his name and on April 8th limited number of Students and Pupils were confirmed together
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