Calendar: 1867-1868 Page 472
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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 473 Ο father see gleaming light Oh say what may it be But the father answered never word frozen corpse was he IV -Cranslati into ϊ-attn groSe Fortune is to be Honoured and Respected and it bee but for her Daughters Confidence and Reputation For those two Feli- citie breedeth The first within Mans Selfe tbe Latter in Others towards Him All Wise Men to decline the Envy of their owne vertues use to ascribe them to Providence and Fortune For so they may the better assume them And besides it is Greatnesse in Man to be the Care of the Higher Powers So Ccesar said to the Pilot in the Tempest Ccesarem portas 8f Fortunam eius So Sylla chose the name of Felix and not of Magnus And it hath beene noted that those that ascribe openly too much to their owne Wisdome and Policie end In fortunate It is written that Timotheus the Athenian after he had in the Account he gave to the State of his Government often interlaced this Speech And in this Fortune had no Part never prospered in any Thing he undertooke afterwards Cer- tainly there be whose Fortunes are like Homers Verses that have Slide and Easinesse more tbeu the verses of other Poets As Plutarch saith of Timoleons Fortune in respect of that of Agesi- laus or Epaminondas And that this should be no doubt it is much in Mans Selfe For Latin prose or verse Hannibalis Italia decedentis dolor -Satin anU 3xnk KtStora Give some account of the following battles with their results -Cunaxa Haliartus Cnidos Lechseum Why was the peace of Antaclidas so dishonourable Describe fully the battle of Leuctra Point out its import tance in Greek history
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