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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1867-1868-47

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ANNUAL REPORT 47 the Council cannot speak too highly of the beneficial conse- quences of their choice Mr Fearnley whose whole period of service lasted thirty- four years had been for many years an able Assistant- Master but on the establishment of the Modern Division of the School he was promoted to the office of Vice-Master and was the main instrument in bringing that Division to its present state of efficiency The Council have replaced him by the election of the Rev John Twentyman late Fellow of Christ's College Cambridge and for three years one of the Masters of Cheltenham College This gentleman is most ably continuing and perfecting the Modern Division of the School The Council have been especially struck by tbe moral and religious character impressed upon the School hy the joint efforts of the Head-Master and the Vice-Master particularly by the Services in the College Chapel at the commencement and close of each Term This as well as the recent intro- duction of terminal examinations and the terminal distribu- tion of prizes has been attended with very satisfactory re- suits Mr Maclear reports very favourably of the present condition of the whole School and so does Mr Twentyman of the Division specially entrusted to his care The following appointments have been made since the last Meeting Mr Shackleton has been transferred from the Modern Division to the Mathematical Mastership vacant by the resignation of Mr l'ierce and the Rev Kett of Magdalen Hall Oxford has succeeded Mr Shackleton Mr Francis Bartlett Proctor has succeeded Mr Morphett as Writing Master and Arithmetical Master and Mr Alex- ander Hall has succeeded Mr Upton as Assistant Master in these subjects Two of the Classes in the Classical Division were in the course of last year amalgamated and the Council were thus enabled without additional expense to create new Master- ship in the Modern Division to which Mr Cunningham late Scholar 01' Caius College Cambridge has been ap- pointed
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