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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1867-1868-46

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annual report The Council deeply regret to observe that whilst the expenses incurred by the Committee last year reached £9 663 their total ordinary receipts were only £6 682 The deficiency had to be met by the sale of Stock The Court will cordially join the Council in their best thanks to Nathanael Powell Esq and the Committee of Management for their indefatigable exertions Turning now to King's College School the Council must in the first instance advert to the changes which have taken place in the composition of the School Staff The resignation of two such valuable officers as Dr Major and Mr Fearnley after zealous and successful service of many years is matter of special regret to all those who remember the active share which as Head-Master and Vice-Master respectively they took in the organization and prosperity of this impor- tant part of the Institution Dr Major opened the School as its first Head-Master thirty-six years ago and to his scholarship ability and zeal the School is mainly indebted for its success Many generation of its former pupils looks back with grateful and affectionate respect to the days of their boyhood spent under his able tuition and paternal care The office of Head-Master has been conferred upon the Rev Maclear of Trinity College Cambridge good scholar an eminent preacher and the author of several valuable works on theology He had already held for six years the office of Master of the Upper Sixth in the School During that period he had acquired an intimate knowledge of the system and working of the School and had already given evidence of organizing powers of sound judgment and de- cision and of acquaintance with the method of governing boys On the vacancy occurring he undertook at the shortest notice the temporary duty of acting Head-Master The re- suit showed that it would be difficult to find any one more competent to fill the office itself Accordingly to the unani- mous satisfaction of all his colleagues Mr Maclear was appointed Head-Master at the end of Michaelmas Term and
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