Calendar: 1867-1868 Page 455
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456 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 11 Translate Statuit et decernit haec sancta synodus quod in partibus ultra quatuor diiBtas Itomana curia distantibus omnes quaecunque causae exceptis inajoribus in jure expresse enumeratis et electionum ecclesiarum catbedraliutn et monasteriorum quas immediata subjectio ad sedem apostolicam devolvit apnd illos judices in partibus qui de jure ant consuetudine praescripta vel privilegio cognitionem habent terminentur et finiantur Et ne sub umbra appellationum quae nimium leviter et nonnunquam frivole hactenus interponi visae sunt atque etiam in eadem in- stantia ad prorogationem litiuni saepe multiplicari materia fovendis injustis vexatiouibus relinquatur statuit eadem sancta synodus quod si quis oflensus coram suo judice habere non possit justitiie complementum ad immediatum superiorem per appellationem recursum habeat nec ad quemcunque etiam ad Papam omisso medio neque gravamine in quacunque instantia ante diffi- nitivam sententiam quotnodolibet appelletur -Cone Basil ibid xxix 159 VII-Cljc Sn-mon on tfjc iHount St fHattijcto V-VII anD JhitroUuction to tl J2tto Cesitaintnt Discuss the question of the identity of this discourse with that in Luke vi What are the chief portions peculiar to St Matthew and St Luke respectively The Herodians What is known of them When do they appear in the Gospel history What illustrations in the Sermon on the Mount seem to have been specially appropriate to the locality or the circum- stances of the listeners How far is the impression made by the Sermon on the Mount as spoken or written traceable in the Epistles of the New Testament and in those of the Apostolic Fathers What remarkable variations of reading does the text of these chapters present To what causes may they probably be assigned What traces of written records of our Lord's life and teach- ing are found in the first two centuries What writers are the
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