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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1867-1868-442

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 443 III -Etturg tcal ant omilctii IjcoIogD What points have been particularly discussed either at the Reformation or in recent times with regard to the material and position of the Communion Table What coverings of the Table are ordered by Rubric and Canon What Vestments of the Minister at the time of Com- munion What recent decision affects either of these joints What is the authority for the use of Bidding-Prayer What is the history and theory of Bidding-Prayers What has been the practice at various times and in different Churches with regard to the use of leavened or unleavened bread in Holy Communion and as to mixed or unmixed wine Mention the practices which have prevailed at different times and places with regard to the posture of communicants and the manner of administration Whence are the words which accompany the administration in our Liturgy derived Give some other forms State the general principle and the limitations of Christian Almsgiving Trace its extension historically Mention some considerations which tend to explain the phenomenon of duelling in Christian country On what great principles does the duty of personal Purity rest IV IB Cisstammt Op what period of time and of what reigns is the history comprised in the Second Book of Kings Specify the miracles of Elisha in the order they are given Do you suppose this order historical Write history of the reign of Jehu What restorations of the Temple are recorded in this Book Mention the circumstances Where do you suppose the vineyard of Naboth to have been How does the Pentateuch illustrate his history Enumerate the kings of the dynasty of Jehu What kings of Judah were contemporary with them
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