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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1867-1868-436

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 437 onquea mais ne l'avoient veue que il ne pooient mie cuidier que si riche vile peust estre en tot le monde Cum il virent ces halz murs et ces riches tours dont ere close tot entor la reonde et ces riches palais et ces haltes yglises dont il avoit tant que nuls nel poist croire se il ne le veist Toil et le lone et le le de la vile que de totes les autres 6re sovveraine VII BtrU $ia£SttcaI ffititotp Give the dates of Charles 's accession-the murder of the Duke of Buckingham-the promotion of Laud to the primacy- his execution and that of Lord Strafford What was the scheme of the Feoffees for redemption of impropriations What was its actual working and how was it suppressed Give some account of the Altar controversy in the reign of Charles Give some account of William Prynne Trace the steps which led to the attempt to introduce Liturgy into Scotland By whom was it drawn up and what was the result of the attempt What were the Courts of Star-Chamber and High-Corn- mission Mention some of the proceedings by which they incurred odium State the circumstances in which the canons of 1640 were enacted Which of them gave most offence What is to be thought of their authority What was the "solemn league and covenant and how did it originate VIII -Cterijtntiorf Synopsis Ebangeltea ants introButtt'ott to tije ficfo Ctjftament State briefly the chief materials now in the hands of critics for determining the text of the New Testament classifying them according to their importance Give brief special notice of the MSS known as and and of the Peschito and Gothic Versions
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