Calendar: 1867-1868 Page 433
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434 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT distinctive peculiarities and any portions common to nearly all Liturgies Mention any points in which an Eastern Church and its services differ from those usual in the West Mention some points in which the Sarum Missal differs from most other Western Missals Notice the principal points in which the Liturgy of Sarum differs from that set forth in the First Book of Edward IV and in which the latter differs from our present Service-book State briefly the leading principles of the two great heathen schools of morality What new "bond of obligation" is intro- duced by Christianity Show that under the Law of Christ Affections as well as Actions are Duties IV -fintnrtuctum to ΘΙϋ CcsStammt Of what kings' reigns of Judah and Israel have we the history from Kings xiv to Kings ii inclusive What indications are there of the existence of the Penta tench at this period Specify the various prophets who flourished during the above period What corroboration of the invasion of Shishak has probably been discovered on the Egyptian monuments When did this invasion take place ό How was Ahijah's prophecy against Jeroboam fulfilled Who was tbe builder of Samaria and what dynasty of kings did lie found In order to understand the mission of Elijah and Elisha what preliminary considerations must we bear in mind Mention other possible meanings of "Elijah the Tishbite who was of the inhabitants of Gilead His sickness was so sore that there was no breath left in him From this it has been supposed that the child may not have been dead show that the supposition is groundless 10 What commission was entrusted to Elijah at Horeb and how was it fulfilled
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