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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1867-1868-43

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annual report teville in Latin and French and at the second Examina- tion Edward Heath and Pantaleon Ralli in Classics It should be borne in mind that tbe distinctions gained by Students in this Department are not confined to the honours of Universities The opening of Her Majesty's Civil Service to general competition especially the Civil Service of India is leading many young men who would in former days have devoted themselves to an academical career to divert their energies to advancement in other spheres of life and the studies prescribed in this Department are with some modifications directly conducive to the preparation required Many of the Students are now attending with that object more or less distinctly in view stimulated no doubt by the success of those who have been similarly trained Amongst the successful candidates for Indian appointments in 1866 were the follow- ing Students of this Department Richard Stephen Whiteway Alfred Augustus Wace Cecil Ansdell Wilkins Robert Sewell Edward Charles Kayll Olliphant Edward Hosking The Applied Sciences Department has slightly increased its numbers since the last Report The entrances in October and in January were unusually numerous but an almost equal number on the other hand have withdrawn from the College either on the completion of their course or with the imme- diate prospect of professional employment larger influx of Students may be expected as the facts become known first that there is an ever-increasing demand for high scientific engineering both at home and in the British dominions abroad especially in Australia and India and secondly that some of the most eminent men in the profession show their sense of the value of the training in this Department by not only recommending pupils to it but also by placing their own sons there The general conduct of this Class has been quite satisfactory
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