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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1867-1868-42

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annual report The Theological Department continues to enjoy in large measure the confidence of the Church The efficiency of its training and instruction as evidenced in the parochial minis- trations of the Certificated Associates is recognised generally by Incumbents as well as by Bishops and many more offers of titles in anticipation of each final examination as it approaches are received by the Principal than can be ac- cepted The number in Class during the Lent Term has been identical with that mentioned in the last Report The numbers might no doubt be increased if any relaxation were allowed in the stringency of the entrance examination but-not to mention the indispensable necessity of fair knowledge of the Classics for the interpretation of Scripture and for the study of Theology in any degree-it has been fixed prin- ciple ever since the foundation of this Department to keep in view and as far as possible to maintain the educational standard of the Clergy Increase of numbers would be dearly purchased by abandoning sufficient test of good general education No less than 449 Student3 have received the Principal's Certificate in the course of 19 years and of these 167 were placed in the First Class at the final examination The numbers in the Department of General Literature and Science present in Class during the Lent Term have increased since the corresponding term of last year In October and in January the entries were unusually good There is also decided improvement on the whole in the intellectual standard of the Students Their general conduct has been very good At the University of Oxford Denwood Harrison obtained Scholarship at Magdalen Hall He was Senior Classical Scholar at King's College in 1S66 At the University of Cambridge Clifford of Trinity Col- lege was Second Wrangler and also Second Smith's Prizeman and Henry Humphreys of St John's was Fifth Wrangler At the University of London the following obtained Honours At the first Examination the Baron Armand De Wat-
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