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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1867-1868-344

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344 THE SCHOOL Section XVII PRIZES List of School Prizes and the Regulations under which they are given prizes open to the whole school Latin Verse Principal's Prize English Verse Head Master's Prize Latin Prose Greek Verse English Essay French These Prizes are open to the whole School and the subjects are given out at the beginning of the long Vacation SUBJECTS FOR 1868 Latin Verse -The Sultan's visit to England in 1867 English Verse -" The Martyrdom of St Polycarp Latin Essay -" Quaenam fuerint in causa cur Carthago funditus eversa sit Greek Iambics -Tennyson's Morte D'Arthur Comfort thyself grievous wound English Essay -The character of Henry VIII The English Verse must be in the Heroic metre and not less than one hundred lines in length nor more than one hundred and fifty The Exercises must all be delivered to the Secretary of King's College before o'clock on Thursday April 30 1868 after which hour no exercise will be received The Author is required to conceal his name and to distin- guish his Composition by some motto sending at the same time his name sealed up under cover bearing the same motto Given by the Council Value 21 2s each
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