Calendar: 1867-1868 Page 316
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316 EVENING CLASSES st010a1 Billing Frederick Atkins Prize Bird Cuthbert Hilton ר Certificates of Norton James Robert Blinkborn George Bratoing Willis Walter Prize Wingate Joseph Lockvvood Cert of Honour Bethell William Wood Professor's Prize 11 Warren Charles ן tLucas Frank Certificates of Neville Frederick Ment Zambra Marcus ISotanp Bonella '0hn Prize Billing Frederick Atkins Certificates of Rigden Harry Hodgson Merit ilttt'ncralogi an& Keologii Ricks George Bonella John Wingate Joseph Lockwood Tiddy Samuel Vesey Staples Frederick William Friswell Richard John Hancock Hamilton Arnold Bethell William Wood Griffith Charles Allix Wood Augustus Alfred JBq Prize Certificates of Merit Note -Department of Science and Art Second Grade Examination in Drawing 1867 Prize Geometrical Drawing Certificate Free-hand Drawing
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