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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1867-1868-296

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296 EVENING CLASSES Wednesday ENGLISH- Class -Shakespeare Julius Ca5sar Spenser Faery Queeue Books George Macdonald Esq- and II Class II -GrammaticalStructure of the Lan-Λ guage-Dictation -ConiDosition Rev Adolpaus -Abstract and l'recis Writing PHYSIOLOGY John Harley Esq Nature and Composition of the Principal Substances used as Food by Animals ComparativeStructure and Actions of the Organs of Digestion Absorption and Assimilation Comparative Structure Arrangement and Actions of the Organs of Respiration in the Animal Series Chemical Effects of Respiration-Effects of defective ventilation Organized and Unorganized Bodies contrasted Physical and Vital Forces and Phenomena examined and compared Development of Heat Light and Electricity in Animals The Nature of Life Dormant Vitality Incubation Germination Death Nutrition Growth Disintegration and Decay of the Tissues of the Bod Animal Mechanics Thursday NATURAL PHILOSOPHY Re Cock Outline of the Lectures Statics Definitions and Principles-Principle of the Parallelogram of Forces-Triangle of Forces-The Mechanical Powers-Friction Dynamics Definitions The Laws of Motion Motion of Falling Bodies-Centrifugal Force Hydrostatics Definitions and Principles-Equilibrium of Floating and Suspended Bodies-Specific Gravities Methods of determining them- Hydrostatical Instruments Sound How propagated-The Conditions of Musical Sound-Explana tion of certain Natural Phenomena Optics Laws of Reflection and Refraction-Formation of Images- Optical Phenomena The Principles discussed in the Lectures will be illustrated by Experiments and Numerical Examples FRENCH- Class -Emile Augier Diane Alexandre זי Duma La Tulipe Noire Professor Marietis
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