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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1867-1868-281

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EVENING CLASSES 281 fications of the Stem-Internal Structure-Age and Size of Trees-Mode of ascertaining their Age TheLeaf General Characters and Structure II Of the Reproductive Organs -Preliminary Observations -Bract or Floral Leaf-Inflorescence-The Flower and its Parts Calyx Corolla Stamen Pistil Ovule Fruit and Seed Part II -Physiological Botany Functions of the Nutritive Organs -Pood of Plants Ap- plications of in Agriculture and Horticulture Function oj Absorption Practical applications of its knowledge in Trans- planting Trees &c -Distribution of Fluid Matters through the Plant or Circulation Functions of Leaves -Exhalation or Transpiration Its Influence in Nature-Practical Applications arising from knowledge of this Process Respiration Importance of in preserving the Composition of the Atmosphere and Water- Growth of Plants in Bedrooms-Wardian Cases and the important purposes to which they may be applied Assi- milalion Development Secretion Application of knowledge of the above functions in growing Timber Trees Fruits and Vegetables II Functions cf the Reproductive Organs -Functions of the Calyx and Corolla-Fertilization-Hybridization-Ger- mination-Vitality and Dispersion of Seeds BOOK RECOMMENDED Bentley's Manual of Botany XXIV EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS Day and Hour of Attendance-Wednesday from to The Course for 1867-8 will treat of Statical and Dynamical Electricity and Magnetism Electrical Attractions and Repulsions Conductors and Non-conductors Distinction of two kinds
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