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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1867-1868-276

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276 EVENING CLASSES Compounds op Sulphur and Oxygen -Sulphurous Acid- Jts bleaching and antiseptic uses Sulphuric Acid -Manufacture of Oil of Vitriol-Its de- hydrating properties-Action upon Metals use for parting Gold and Silver-Preparation of Vegetable Parchment Sulphuric Anhydride The Sulphates-Hyposulphite of Soda its application in Photography Bisulphide op Carbon -Its useful applications Phosphorus -Distribution in Nature Extraction from Bones-Vitreous and red modifications-Lucifer-matches Compounds op Phosphorus and Oxygen Phosphoric Anhydride-Hydrates of Phosphoric Acid-Orthophosphates Pyrophosphates and Metaphosphates Compounds op Phosphorus and Hydrogen -Preparation of the spontaneously inflammable Phosphoretted Hydrogen- Chlorides of Phosphorus XX PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY Bay and Hours of Attendance-Friday from to Course of 10 Demonstrations on Analytical Chemistry This Course lasts from October to Christmas The Pro- fessor then begins new Course for which fresh Ticket must be taken out The Professor will meet his Class on the first Friday Evening of the Course viz October 12 1866 and January 25 1867 at but the Course will not be begun unless ten Students have at that time paid fees for attendance Each Student must be provided with Bowman's Practical Chemistry
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