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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1867-1868-274

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274 EVENING CLASSES Hydrogen -Analysis of Water-Classification of Metals according to their action upon Water-Chemical equivalents -Diffusion of Gases Synthesis of Water -Endiometers-Analysis of Air by the Endiometer-Combining volumes of elementary and compound Gases-Atomic theory-Relation between Atoms and Equivalents-Atomic and equivalent notation-Unitary system-Molecular formulae Water from different natural sources-Rain well spring river and sea-water-Chemical cause of hardness in waters- Remedies for hardness-Incrustations in boilers-Poisoning of waters by lead-Distillation-Compounds of Water with Acids Bases and Salts-Anhydrides and Acids-Crystallisa- tion of Salts from Water-Water of crystallisation and of constitution Carbon -Its natural and artificial varieties-Useful ap- plications of Graphite-Absorption of Gases by Charcoal- Decolorising power of Charcoal Coal -Its origin varieties and their special uses -De- structive distillation of Coal-Prevention and consumption of smoke Carbonic Acid -Chemistry of respiration fermentation putrefaction and decay-Fundamental principles of Ven- tilation-Separation of Carbonic Acid from other Gases- Elementary organic analysis-The Carbonates Carbonic Oxide -Its production in ordinary fires-Its importance in metallurgic operations Compounds of Carbon and Hydrogen -Acetylene- Oleliaut Gas-Marsh Gas-Fire-damp of Mines-Safety- lamps Structure of luminous flames-Influence exerted upon the illuminating power by the composition of the fuel the supply of air and atmospheric pressure-Conditions of maximum temperature in flames-The Blowpipe-Com- position of Coal-gas
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