Calendar: 1867-1868 Page 236
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23G MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Practical Asatomy Six Months Practical Chemistry Three Months Practical Midwifery Clinical Medicine that is the Treat- ment of Patients in Public Hospital During Courses of Six under Professor of Medicine by whom Months or two Courses of Lectures on the cases are given Three Months Clinical Surgery Medical Jurisprudence Botany During Courses including not 'יי"' ί less than 50 Lectures Natural History including Zoology That he has attended for at least two years the Medical or Surgical Prac- tice of General Hospital which accommodates not fewer than eighty patients and possesses distinct staff of Physicians and Surgeons That he has been engaged for at least three months by Apprenticeship or otherwise in compounding and dispensing drugs at the Laboratory of an Hospital Dispensary Member of Surgical College or Faculty Licentiate of the London or Dublin Society of Apothecaries or Member of the Pharma- ceutical Society of Great Britain That he has attended for at least six months by Apprenticeship or other- wise the Out-practice of an Hospital or the Practice of Dispensary Physician Surgeon or Member of the London or Dublin Society of Apothecaries Sect VII Every Candidate must deliver before the31st of March of the year in which he proposes to Graduate to the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine First Declaration in his own handwriting that he is twenty-one years of age and that he will not be on the day of Graduation under articles of appren- ticeship to any Surgeon or other master Secondly Statement of his Studies as well in Literature and Philosophy as in Medicine accompanied with proper Certificates Sect VIII Each Candidate is examined first on Chemistry Botany and Natural History secondly on Anatomy Institutes of Medicine Materia Medica and Pathology thirdly on Surgery Practice of Medicine Midwifery and Medical Jurisprudence fourthly Clinically on Medicine and on Surgery in an Hospital Sect IX Students who profess themselves ready to submit to an exami- nation on the first division of these subjects at the end of their second year may be admitted to examination at that time Sect Students who have passed their Examination on the first division of these subjects may be admitted to examination on the second division at the end of their third year Sect XL The Examinations on the third and fourth divisions cannot take place until the Candidate has completed his fourth 1nus medicus
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