Calendar: 1867-1868 Page 210
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210 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Section XVI otto iHfteDtcal Clinical $ri This Prize has been founded by the friends of the late Robert Bentley Todd Esq for the encouragement of those attending the Medical Clinical Lectures at King's College Hospital The prize consists of Bronze Medal and 41 4s in books and is awarded annually to the most deserving of the third or fourth year students The examination wiU be held during the first week in July of each year Candidates are required To write from memory an account of such cases occurring in the practice of the Physicians during the current academical year as shall be selected by the Examiners To examine and report upon actual patients submitted to them in the wards of the Hospital Section XVII lass $rt' es Clinical $rt es Certificates ef honour Jflerit an& attendance Prizes are awarded for proficiency in the several subjects of Anatomy Physiology Chemistry Materia Medica Surgery Medicine Midwifery Botany Forensic Medicine Comparative Anatomy and Practical Chemistry These consist of Books of the value of three pounds and are given to the highest Student in the Examination Two Medical Clinical Prizes one of 31 for the Winter Ses- sion and the other of 21 for the Summer Session and two Surgical Clinical Prizes of the same value are also given Candidates for the Clinical Prizes will be required- To write from memory the particulars of four cases two from the practice of each of the Physicians or Surgeons as the case may be which have been treated in the Hospital
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