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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1867-1868-168

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168 medical department arranged as to embrace tbe following subjects during the Three Years' Course of each Medical Student The Old Testament II The New Testament III The Book of Common Prayer The Lectures for the ensuing Winter Session will be on the Book of Psalms All Matriculated Students are required to attend these Lectures during the first Two Years of their studies There is Voluntary Examination in the months of Decern- ber March and July on the subjects treated of in the Lectures or in certain portions of Text-books selected by the Principal Certificates of proficiency are given to those who pass the Examination satisfactorily The Principal's Lectures every Wednesday on the Thirty- Nine Articles are intended for Students of the Third and Fourth Year as well as for all Candidates for the Leathes Prizes At the close of the Winter Session Prize is adjudged to the best Student in each of the four years' course Student who has obtained Prize in any one year in this or in any other Department of the College cannot again become Candidate for these Prizes II Anatomy Descriptive and Surgical These Lectures comprise full course of Descriptive and Surgical Anatomy and are illustrated by recent Dissections by Preparations from the Anatomical Museum and by large collection of Diagrams Practical Anatomy is taught in the Dissecting Rooms by the Demonstrators of Anatomy Attendance is given daily from ten to four o'clock The Anatomical Rooms are spacious light and well ven- tilated and contain every requisite and convenience for the acquisition of practical knowledge of Anatomy Every opportunity is taken of rendering the technical details of Anatomy useful to the Students by pointing out their bear-
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