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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1867-1868-115

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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 115 III International Law Lectures on International Law will be delivered every Friday at during the Academical tYear This Course will be suitable to Candidates for the Ceylon Civil Service Diplomatic Appointments &c as well as to those who desire to familiarize themselves with the principles of International Law Fees £2 Term IV For the Final Examination of the Incorporated Law Society Lectures will be delivered on Equity Ileal Property Law and Common Law every Friday at during the Acade- mical Year This Course is intended to supply the admitted want of Catechetical instruction in addition to Lectures for articled Clerks and will in two Terms comprise complete prepara- tion for the final examination Fees £3 3s Term Only six Students will be admitted in one Class in this Course but there will be as many Classes formed as the number of Students may necessitate Indian Law and Jurisprudence Lectures on Indian Law and Jurisprudence are delivered every Tuesday and Thursday during the Terms of the Oriental Section For times and fees see the Prospectus of the' Oriental Section VI Popular Lectures in Law Every Wednesday Evening at Fees £1 6d for the Course from Michaelmas to Easter or £1 lj from Christmas to Easter Η
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