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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-58

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58 £ Brought over 437 Oil Soulbv Esq Stevens Esq Steward Geo Ed Esq St Martin Esq 10 Stohwasser Esq 10 Stone Esq Summers Prof Rev add 11 Surridge Rev Swain Esq Taylor Rev Taylor Esq 110 Temple Esq Terrell Esq Thomas Esq 110 Thompson Esq Thomson Esq 10 Timme Esq add Townshend Esq add Treeves Esq 110 Tremerry Esq 110 Trimmer Mrs 110 Carried over £465 17 11 £ Adams Esq Aguilar Esq Allen Esq Allen Esq Allies Esq Andrews Esq Ashurst Esq Baber Esq Bailey Mrs Batterburv Esq 110 Baynes Esq 110 Beck Wm Esq 110 Bedford Esq Bell Esq Bentley Esq Binge Esq Blandford Esq Borrer Esq Brander Rev Β Brewer Rev Prof add Brown Esq Brown Esq 110 Browne Esq Burrell Esq Calvert Esq Carr Bennock Esq 110 Carte Esq add 60 Castle Professor add £ 11 17 465 Twiss Α Esq Wharton Η Esq Witt Esq 10 Wood Α Esq Wood John Esq add 15 Young Rev £489 11 £ Chase Rev Circuit Esq Cloke Esq Collections 1866 College Offertory 23 Boxes 13 Colthurst Esq Coster Esq Cotton Esq Coventon Esq Covington Esq Cross Esq Cullen Esq Cuming Esq Cunningl1am Esq add 20 Currie Miss Cutler Rev Dale Esq Dalton Esq Dalton Esq Davies Esq Davis Esq Dawson Geo Esq add Day Esq Dean Μ Esq De Romana Esq Denne Esq Dudgeon Esq 110 Sums already promised or paid in 1866
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