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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-56

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56 SUBSCRIPTIONS For the names of Subscribers of all Sums paid up to December 31 1863 amounting to £2 916 135 10d see the King's College Calendar of 1864-5 For the names of Subscribers of all Sums paid in 1864 and amounting to £1 879 16 see the Calendar of 1865-0 Sums paii Atoms Professor Adams Esq Adolphus Rev Ο Alexander Esq Alford Rev Allen II Esq Annoot Esq Aranjo Esq Bailey Mrs Barber Esq Bazalgette Esq Bell Esq Bird Mrs Blake Esq Bland Esq lliukhorn Esq Boswell Bowden Rev Ε Τ Bowen Esq Boyd Mrs Brewer Professor Rev add Britten Esq Bromehead Esq Brooks James Esq Brown Rev Brown Esq Brown Esq Browne Rev Τ Buckmaster Rev Bullock Esq Burge Esq Burkingyoung Dr Burrell Esq Buttemer Esq Calvert Mrs Campbell Η Esq Carr Esq Carrick Esq Carte Rev add Castle Professor add Cater Esq 10 10 5 Carried over £61 in 1865 £ Brought over 61 Chesterton Esq Clarke Esq Clowes Esq Cockayne Rev Τ Collections- Savoy Congregation 86 14 10 College Offertory 38 13 Chapel Box Cooper Esq 10 Copinger Esq Cowie Esq Ο Cowper Esq Crisp Esq Cunningham Esq add 20 Curtis Esq Daniel Esq 10 Dantas Esq Darling Rev James Davenport Esq Davis Esq Dawson Esq add Day Esq Dean Rev Denne Esq Dinner Ε 10 Dixon Esq Dixon Η Esq Dobree Esq Douglas Esq Douglas Esq Drieberg Esq Eaton Rev Elkington Esq Ο Evans Esq 110 Ewen Ε Esq Fagan Mrs Faulconer Esq Flynn Mrs Fooks Η Esq Forshaw Esq Carried over £207
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