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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-537

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list of works etc 539 BY EEV BROWNE History of Greek Classical Literature Vols History of Roman Classical Literature Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle translated With Notes and Introduction History of Greece Gleig's Series Ditto illustrated Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge History of Rome Gleig's Series History of Rome Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Latin Grammar for Ladies Classical Examination Papers of King's College London Justification by Faith in the Atonement Sermon Table of Comparative Chronology Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Tracts for Soldiers Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge The Christian Ministry Sermon The Preacher of the Gospel of Peace Sermon BY THE REV HALL Elements of Algebra 5s Treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculus 8s 6d Elements of Descriptive Geometry 6s 6d Plane and Spherical Trigonometry 7s 6d Outlines of Astronomy 18mo lOd BY THE REV MOSELEY Lectures on Astronomy delivered at King's College London 5s Mechanics applied to the Arts Illustrations 6s 6d Illustrations of Mechanics 8s Mechanical Principles of Civil Engineering 11 is Treatise on Hydrostatics 12s BY THE REV MATTHEW O'BRIEN Mathematical Tracts is 6d Treatise on Deferential Calculus 10s 6d -Geometry 9s BY CASTLE ESQ Purveyor's Text-Book 6s Engineering Field Notes 12s 6d BY THE REV MARKBY Bacon's Advancement of Learning Cheap Edition carefully revised from the First Copies with few Notes and References to Works quoted 2s Hooker's Ecclesiastical Polity The First Book 18 6d
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