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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-532

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Page content

534 INDEX page Society of Apothecaries- Rules of 239 Spanish- Lectures 276 Fees 284 Hours of Attendance 286 Stephen Prize- Endowment 50 Subject 102 Students' Boxes for Gowns fcc 358 Surgeons College of 234 Surgical Registrar 213 Surgery- Lectures 166 Operations in 174 Fees 184 Hours of Attendance 187 Tamil and Telugu- Lectures 105 Fees 107 Hours of Attendance 108 Theological Department- Professors' Names 61 Instruction given 62 Class of Persons Admitted 62 Rules as to Graduates 63 AdmissionofGeneralStudents 64 General Rules 66 Advice to Students 66 Examinations Certificates 72 Fees 74 Hours of Attendance 76 Assoclateship 77 Hoods 77 Greek Testament Prize 77 Hebrew and Old Test Prize 78 Candidates for Admission 79 Names of those who passed last year 80 Names of Students 81 Names of Cand forAdmission 82 Todd Clinical Prize 202 page Tooke Professorship- Endowment 96 Treasurer of the College 19 Trench Greek Testament Prize- Endowment 77 Subjects for Examination 78 Names of Prizemen 7K University of London-Rules 225 University of Edinburgh-Rules 229 University Distinctions- Oxford 364 Cambridge 365 London 365 Vocal Music- Fees 75 Hours of Attendance 76 Warneford Prizes Endowment 11 ×– List of Prizemen 215 Warneford Scholarships- Endowment 198 List of Scholars 215 Woolwich Appointments Workshop- Instruction 141 Regulations 143 Fees 149 Hours of Attendance 150 Worsley Scholarships- Endowment 97 List of Scholars 112 Writing- Instruction 261 Fees 2S4 Hours of Attendance 286 Zoology Evening Class Lectures 279 Fees 284 Hours of Attendance 286
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