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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-530

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Page content

532 INDEX pagk Medical Department con University of Edinburgh 229 College of Physicians 231 College of Surgeons 234 Society of Apothecaries 259 Medical Depart of the Army 242 Indian Medical Service 244 Medical Depart of the Navy 246 Medical Library 177 Medical Registrar 213 Medical Society 214 Medical Tutor- Instruction 171 Fees 18 Hours of Attendance 187 Medicine Principles and Prac- tice 01- Lectures 167 Fees 184 Hours of Attendance 187 Microscope demonstrations on 175 Mineralogy Morning Class- Lectures 137 Fees 149 Houre of Attendance 150 Mineralogy Evening Class- Instriietion 277 Fees 284 Hours of Attendance 286 Museums- King George III 144 Anatomy Materia Medica 175 Names of Students and Pupils- Theological Department 81 Dep of Gen Lit and Science 117 Dep of Applied Sciences 160 Medical Department 222 Evening Classes 316 The School 345 Navy Medical Service 246 Natural Philosophy- Lectures 121 Fees 149 Hours of Attendance 150 page Obstetric Medicine- Lectures 167 Fees 184 Hours of Attendance 1H7 Officers of the College Names of 39 Operations in Surgery 174 Ophthalmology- Lectures 171 Fees 184 Hours of Attendance 187 Ophthalmic Dressers 210 Oriental Section andS Subjects 10 Names of Professors 105 Fees 107 Hours of Attendance 107 Books recommended 109 Pathological Registrar 212 Pastoral Theology- Fees 75 Hours of Attendance 76 Photography- Instruction 139 Fees 149 Physicians College of 231 Physician's Assistant 207 Names of 217 Physician-Acc Assist 209 Names of 217 Physiology Medical Dep Lectures 165 Fees 184 Hours of Attendance 187 Physiology Evening Class- Lectures 271 Fees 284 Hours of Attendance 286 Plumptre Prizes 103 Political Economy- Instruction 106 Fees 107 Hours of Attendance 108
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