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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-529

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Page content

INDEX 531 page Law for India Civil Service- Lectures 106 Fees 107 Hours of Attendance 108 Law English Evening Class- Lectures 282 Fees 284 Hours of Attendance 286 Leathes Prize- Endowment 190 List of Prizemen 215 Legacies- List of 50 Form for 52 Legal Section- Instruction given 110 Fees and Hours of Attendance 111 Library Medical 177 General 352 Literary Union School 339 Logic- Instruction 281 Fees 284 Hours of Attendance 286 Mahomedan Law- Lectures 105 Fees 107 Hours of Attendance 108 Manufacturing Art Machinery- Instruction 125 Fees 149 Hours of Attendance 150 Marathi- Lectures 105 Fees 107 Hours of Attendance 108 Marsden Library 50 Masters of School Names of 319 Materia Medica- Lectures 166 Fees 184 Hours 01 Attendance 187 Mathematics Morning Classes- Lectures 86 121 Fees 149 95 Hours 01 Attendance 95 150 page Mathematics Evening Classes- Lectures 261 Fees 284 Hours of Attendance 286 McCaul Memorial Fund- Endowment 78 Subjects for Examination 79 Names of Prizemen 79 Mechanics- Lectures 269 Fees 284 Hours of Attendance 286 Medical Department- Professors'Names 162 Hospital Staff 163 Course of Instruction 163 Hospital Comirittee 173 Operations in Surgery 174 Use of the Microscope 175 Museums 175 Library 177 Chemical Laboratory 178 Regs respecting Students 178 PreliminaryArtsExamination 181 Course recommended 181 Fees 184 Sum payable for Course re- quired by College Hall 185 Mode of payment 186 Free Admission to Lectures 187 Hours of Lectures 187 Hours for Hosp Attendance 188 Clinical Instruction 188 Associateship Rules for 189 Endowments 190 Scholarships Rules for 198 Prizes 203 ClinicalClerks &c totheHosp 205 Medical Society 214 Names of Scholars 216 Resident Officers of Hospital 217 Prizemen of last year 218 Names of Students 222 University of London 225
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